Buddha Shakyamuni – The Historical Buddha
  See it in the Museum
Orientation 2
Furniture 6

ABS 274

 Code: ABS 274

  Country: Thailand


  Date: 1600 - 1700

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 2.5 x 4.2 x 1.7

  Materials: Silver

Buddha Shakyamuni

The Buddha is seated in the diamond attitude (vajraparyankasana) on a cushion. He rests his left hand in his lap and extends the right hand in the gesture of touching the earth (bhumisparsha-mudra). With this gesture,the historical Buddha Shakyamuni “takes the earth as a witness” of his victory over his inner demons of doubt, the mara.

The upper monastic garment (uttarasanga) covers only the left shoulder and is draped without folds. This depiction of the historical Buddha reminds us also of the place of his awakening (enlightenment). Bodhgaya in northern India subsequently became the destination of Buddhist pilgrimages to the "eight holy places" (astamahasthana).