Shri Devi (Palden Lhamo) – The "Glorious Goddess"
  See it in the Museum
Orientation 2
Wall object 6

ABP 063

 Code: ABP 063

  Country: Tibet


  Date: 1600 - 1700

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 49 x 67

  Materials: Gouache on black canvas

Dharmapala Sri-Devi Palden Lhamo

Palden Lhamo, alternatively called Shri Devi in Sanskrit, or Okkin Tungri in Mongolian, is considered to be the protector of the teachings of Gautama Buddha in the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. She is also called Remati. The wrathful deity is the consort of Mahakala, and is revered as the most important protector of the Tibetan government, the Dalai and Panchen Lhamas.

The four-handed, three-eyed, fearsome Sri-Devi rides on a saddle of human skin on a mule over a sea of blood. The upper right hand brandishes a sword (khadga), the lower right hand holds the blood-filled skull bowl (kapala) of a child in front of her breast. The upper left hand swings a ritual dagger (Skt.: vajrakila; Tib.: phur pu). The left lower hand holds a trident (trishula).
She is wearing a garland of severed heads. A bag filled with diseases hangs from the saddle girths. She wears a flowing garment and a diadem of skulls, as well as bone ornaments. Sri-Devi is surrounded by her retinue. Above, two unidentified teachers of the Kagyu Order of Tibetan Buddhism are depicted.
(Former Collection Heidi & Ulrich von Schroeder; 2014-01)