Buddha Shakyamuni – The Historical Buddha
  See it in the Museum
Orientation 3
Display 6

ABS 175

 Code: ABS 175

  Country: Tibet


  Date: 1200 - 1300

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 11.4 x 16.5 x 2.1

  Materials: White sandalwood with painted decoration

Buddha Shakyamuni – The Historical Buddha

Relief carving of white sandalwood with remains of painted decoration.

The historical Buddha Shakyamuni is seated legs crossed in meditation, his religious garment leaving his right shoulder uncovered. With his right hand, he touches the ground before him while his left rests in his lap in contemplation. This posture refers to the episode of his victory over Mara, god of Death and illusion when, by touching the ground he took the Earth as a witness of his spiritual realisation.

When Buddhist monks or lay practitioners travel on pilgrimages or on more worldly errands, they usually carry portable shrines filled with ceremonial objects. Not only were wood sculptures less expensive, they were also easier to carry. For patrons with limited funds, wood sculptures were thus the ideal choice.