Folding manuscript with diagrams of chakras
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ABM 014

 Code: ABM 014

  Country: Nepal

  Style: Three Malla Kingdoms

  Date: 1698

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 19 x 260 x 6

  Materials: Rice paper

Folding manuscript with diagrams of chakras

This folded manuscript represents two dark blue divine characters, a female placed above a male. Both are decorated with diagrams of meditative chakras, deities and various symbols. Chakras adorn the stomach and other auspicious ornaments are painted on the legs, arms and foreheads. Each character is decorated with three other deities, one at the crotch and a couple at the heart level. In yoga practices, chakras are regarded as focal points for the reception and transmission of subtle energies within the body. The most popular system distinguishes seven chakras .