Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) – "The Lotus-Born" and his eight manifestations
  See it in the Museum
Orientation 3
Display 5

ABS 201

 Code: ABS 201

  Country: Tibet

  Style: Late Pala Style

  Date: 1250 - 1350

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 15.1 x 23.5 x 4.9

  Materials: Painted Stone (possibly Phyllite)


Padmasambhava was a famous Indian tantric adept who lived in the eight century and who, together with Antaraksita and Kamalasila, was instrumental in the propagation of Buddhism in Tibet. The rNying ma school or “ancient translation school” is based on the teachings of Padmasambhava, who was later deified and of whom eight different manifestations are worshipped.

Béguin, Gilles, 2013. Art sacré du Tibet – Collection Alain Bordier, [catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent; 14 mars au 21 juillet 2013]. Paris: Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent. Editions Findakli. Pp. 26, 180–181, 189

Cornu, Philippe , 2001. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique du Bouddhisme. Seuil.

Cornu, Philippe, 2002. Padmasambhava, les Nyingmapa et leur influence sur le Ve Dalaï Lama. Rituels tibétains : visions secrètes du Ve Dalaï Lama.. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux. Pp. 32–37

David-Néel, Alexandra und Yongden, Albert Arthur , 1978. La vie surhumaine de Guésar de Ling : le héros thibétain : racontée par les bardes de son pays. . Monaco: Ed. du Rocher.

Douglas, Kenneth und Bays, Gwendolyn , 2003. Padmasambhava. In: Das Oxford-Lexikon der Weltreligionen.. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer. Pp. 749-750

Pakhoutova, Elena et alii, 2019. The Second Buddha - Master of Time. New York: Rubin Museum of Art. Fig 1.9, p. 24

Sèngué, Tcheuky, 2002. Petite Encyclopédie des Divinités et symboles du Bouddhisme Tibétain. Editions Claire Lumiere . Pp. 279-298