ABS 178
Code: ABS 178
Country: Tibet
Date: 1450 - 1550
Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 11.6 x 17.3 x 9.4
Materials: Brass
The image of the monk is cast in yellowish couloured brass, the pedestal in brownish copper alloy.
The eyes are inlaid with silver, the lips with copper.
The border of the upper monastic garment is decorated with ornaments inlaid with copper and silver, and engraved.
The bottom of the pedestal is sealed with a sheet of copper decorated with the visvavajra emblem.
rJe bjsun bSod nams lum grub, as identified by the inscription, is seated in the diamond attitude (vajra-paryankasana) on a double lotus pedestal with beaded borders. He displays the "gesture of the wheel of the doctrine" (dharmacakra-mudra) and is clad with monastic garments (tricivara).
The front side of the lower edge of the lotus pedestal is inscribed in Tibetan dBu can script: // rje btsum bsod nams lhun grub la: bdag rgyal po bstan pa phyag 'tshal zhang bsu?
bSod nams lhun grub is the short name of Glo bo mkhan chen bSod nams lhun grub (1456-1532). He was one of the most influential Sa skya pa teachers of his time and lived in Mustang, located in present day Nepal. A number of inscribed statues of Glo bo mkhan chen bSod nams lhun grub are known, He is possibly identical with the bSod nams lhum grub, mentioned in the Blue Annals. With regard to the identification, it should be noted, that in the case of almost all known statues of bSod nams lhun grub of Mustang (1456-1532), he holds in his left hand resting in the lap either the triple gem ornament (triratna) or the flaming bliss-swirl jewel. The present statue would thus be the only one, where bSod nams lhun grub bSod nams lhun grub displays the dharmacakra-mudra. It should also be taken into consideration, that the name bSod nams lhun grub, as recorded by the inscription, forms part of the names of more than one Tibetan teacher, and is thus not quite satisfactory for an exact identification.
Dinwiddie, Donald (ed.), 2003. Portrait of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan Buddhist Lineages. Chicago & London: Serindia Publ. Inc. and Oliver Hoare Ltd. Pp. 268-73, pls. 75-77
Essen, Gerd-Wolfgang and Thingo, Tsering Tashi, 1990. Die Götter des Himalaya - Buddhistische Kunst Tibets. München: Prestel-Verlag. Band II, pp. 103, 105, nos. II.223(?)/227
Rhie, Marylin M. and Thurman, Robert A. F. , 1991. Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet [catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco]. New York: Harry N. Abrams. P. 205, no 63
Roerich, Georges N., 1949. The Blue Annals (Deb ther sngon po). Calcutta. Pp. 282, 795
von Schroeder, Ulrich, 2001. Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet. Vol. One: India & Nepal; Vol. Two: Tibet & China. Hong Kong: Visual Dharma Publications, Ltd.. Vol. Two: Tibet & China, p. 532.cf. Kun dga' bsod nams lhun grub ("kunga sönam lhundrub") ( 1571-1642), the 15th abbot of Ngor (1603-1618?)