ABM 033
Code: ABM 033
Country: Tibet
Style: Nepalese School
Date: 1200 - 1300
Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 69.5 x 21.5 x 1.5
Materials: Gilt copper
Wood panel covered with a sheet of embossed and gilt copper.
A group of three Buddha images may also be associated with the Mahayanist perception of the three-fold essence of the Buddhas, the “three bodies” (trikaya), known as dharmakaya, sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya (or rupakaya). Another association my be the three-fold nature of Buddhism, namely buddha, dharma, and sangha. This example of the different meanings off number three in Buddhism serves as a warning against narrow definitions of symbols that exclude other possibilities.
Christie's, 2004. New York. Indian and Southeast Asian Art. Christie's. Lot 96: Nepal. Circa 13th century - References to manuscript covers of the same collection
Grönbold, Günter, 1991. Tibetische Buchdeckel, [Austellengskatalog Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München]. München: Bayerische Stadtsbibliothek. pp. 86-87, pl. 32: Südtibet oder Nepal, ca. 16/17. Jh. - References to manuscript covers of the same collection
Weldon, David, 1996. Early Tibetan Manuscript Covers, 12th–15th Century, [catalogue of the sale exhibition held at Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York, 1996]. London: Anna Maria Rossi & Fabio Rossi Publ.. References to manuscript covers in general