Siddhaikavira Mañjushri
  See it in the Museum
India and Nepal
Orientation 3
Display 2

ABS 119

 Code: ABS 119

  Country: Himalaya

  Style: Greater Spiti Area

  Date: 1050 - 1150

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 16.1 x 25 x 13.3

  Materials: Brass

Hollow cast in two parts, partly hollow.
The face has traces of painted cold gold, the hair remains of a blue pigment.
The pedestal is not sealed. 
The ascetic Bodhisattva represents likely Siddhaikavira, a form of Manjusri (Tib. ’Jam dpal dbyangs). He is seated in the attitude of ease (lalitasana) on a unusually shaped double lotus pedestal resting on a rectangular stand with four legs, and rests the right foot on a flower. He extends the right hand in the gesture of gift bestowing (varada mudra). With the left hand resting on the right thigh he holds the stalk of a flower attached to the left shoulder, which, according to the sadhanas of Manjusri should represent a blue lily (nilotpala). The Bodhisattva is clad with a cloth tied around the waist. He wears princely ornaments, namely a three fold crown in front of the tall knot of hair (jatamukuta) with a jeweled tip, two earrings of different shape, two necklaces, the lower one with an attached pendant, bracelets at the upper arms, and wrists, and ornaments on the feet. 
The Sadhanamala (SMcontains three descriptions of an ascetic form of Manjusri identified as Siddhaikavira displaying with the right hand the varada mudra and holding with the left hand a lily (utpala). Other features include the strands of hair and a necklace adorned with claws (SM 67, 71, 72). This image corresponds in may aspects with Siddhaikavira, a form of Manjusri often depicted in the ascetic manner as indicated by the long strands of hair falling over the shoulders, and the necklace adorned with claws. 

Bock, Etienne; Falcombello, Jean-Marc; Jenny Magali, 2022. Trésors du Tibet. Sur les pas de Milarépa. Paris: Flammarion. p. 85

de Mallmann, Marie-Thérèse, 1964. Étude iconographique sur Manjusri. Paris: École Française d’Extrème-Orient. References to the iconography of Manjusri

de Mallmann, Marie-Thérèse, 1975. Introduction à l'iconographie du tântrisme bouddhique. Paris: Adrien Mainsonneuve (Jean Maisonneuve successeur (1970). Pp. 250–257 - References to the iconography of Manjusri

de Mallmann, Marie-Thérèse, 1964. Étude iconographique sur Manjusri. Paris: École Française d’Extrème-Orient. Pls. III, IV (a) - References to the iconography of Manjusri Siddhaikavira

de Mallmann, Marie-Thérèse, 1975. Introduction à l'iconographie du tântrisme bouddhique. Paris: Adrien Mainsonneuve (Jean Maisonneuve successeur (1970). P. 252 - References to the iconography of Manjusri Siddhaikavira

Sèngué, Tcheuky, 2002. Petite Encyclopédie des Divinités et symboles du Bouddhisme Tibétain. Editions Claire Lumiere . Pp. 164 / 185-191 - Références françaises: Manjushri

von Schroeder, Ulrich, 1981. Indo-Tibetan Bronzes. Hong Kong: Visual Dharma Publications, Ltd.. Pls. 47G, 48D, 48F, 50A, 50B, 53A, 53B, 54E, 54G, 55B, 57F, 63I, 77G, 81A, 81G, 82D, 82F, 85D - References to the iconography of Manjusri Siddhaikavira