ABR 012
Code: ABR 012
Country: Tibet (central)
Date: 1000 - 1100
Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 8.5 x 28 x 8.5
Materials: Iron
Vajra (Skt.) – rDo rje (Tib.) («dorje»): generally interpreted as “diamond sceptre”; male principle; the transcendent diamond which cannot be destroyed, as a symbol of the spiritual path.
Bazin, Nathalie, 2002. Catalogue. Rituels tibétains : visions secrètes du Ve Dalaï Lama. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux. P. 53–192
Beer, Robert , 2003. Les symboles du bouddhisme Tibétain. Albin Michel. Pp. 143-151
Béguin, Gilles, 2013. Art sacré du Tibet – Collection Alain Bordier, [catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent; 14 mars au 21 juillet 2013]. Paris: Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent. Editions Findakli. P. 220
Thurman, Robert A.F. and Weldon, David, 1999. Sacred Symbol. The Ritual Art of Tibet.. New York: Sotheby's, Rossi&Rossi. p. 25