Stone slab with the historical Buddha Shakyamuni
See it in the Museum
Outside garden
Orientation 2
Wall object 1
ABS 245
Code: ABS 245
Country: Tibet
Date: 1500 - 1600
Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 55 x 80 x 3
Materials: Stone carving
The Buddha is seated in the diamond attitude (vajraparya kasana) on a single lotus pedestal. He rests the left hand in the lap while the right hand is raised in the gesture of fearlessness (abhaya-mudra). The custom of engraving rock-cliffs, stone boulders, and stone slabs is a very ancient tradition on the Tibetan plateau.
von Schroeder, Ulrich and von Schroeder, Heidi, 2009. Tibetan Art of the Alain Bordier Foundation. Hong Kong: Visual Dharma Publications. Pp. 20–21; plate 4