Chökyi Je Drakpa Jungne
  See it in the Museum
Orientation 4
Display 7

ABS 231

 Code: ABS 231

  Country: Tibet


  Date: 1550 - 1650

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 17.2 x 29.5 x 12.5

  Materials: Gilt copper

Hollow cast in one piece.
The garment is decorated with engraved ornamentation.
The bottom of the pedestal is sealed with gilt sheet of copper.
The bearded smiling monk with distinct portrait features is sealed in the diamond attitude (vajraparyanka) on a single lotus pedestal and displays the meditation attitude (dhyana-mudra). The teacher is clad with a voluminous array of monastic garments decorated with floral patterns.
The front petals of the lotus pedestal are inscribed in Tibetan dBu can script:
// Chos kyi rdo rje grags pa 'byung gnas".
Although the monk is inscribed it was not possible to identify him with a known master. It needs further sstudy to oblain a identification. The prominent beard might be of help in this situation where the inscription shows similarities with the names of more than one teacher.
(Formerly O'Neil Coll.)

Béguin, Gilles, 2013. Art sacré du Tibet – Collection Alain Bordier, [catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent; 14 mars au 21 juillet 2013]. Paris: Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent. Editions Findakli. P. 157

Bock, Etienne; Falcombello, Jean-Marc; Jenny Magali, 2022. Trésors du Tibet. Sur les pas de Milarépa.. Paris: Flammarion. p. 75

Dinwiddie, Donald (ed.), 2003. Portrait of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan Buddhist Lineages. Chicago & London: Serindia Publ. Inc. and Oliver Hoare Ltd. General References to Tibetan portait statues

von Schroeder, Ulrich, 2010. Buddhist Sculptures of the Alain Bordier Foundation. Hong Kong: Visual Dharma Publications, Ltd.. Pp. 38–39; plate 16B