Primordial Buddha Vajradhara with narrative scenes
See it in the Museum
Orientation 3
Wall object 7
ABP 048
Code: ABP 048
Country: Tibet (west)
Date: 1450 - 1550
Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 76.5 x 96
Materials: Glue distemper on cotton
Narrative biographical painting perhaps of 'Bri gung sKyob pa 'Jig rten gsum mgon (1143-1217)
Glue distemper on cotton.
This rare biographical thanka (rNam thar) illustrates the life of an unknown bKa'brgyud master.
The style of this painting resembles some of the murals preserved at Tho ling («tholing») and nearby Tsa pa rang («tsaparang») the ancient capital of the Guge kingdom of Western Tibet (c. 1400–1630). This biographical painting relates perhaps to ’Bri gung sKyob pa ’Jig rten gsum mgon («drigung kyobpa jikten sumgön») (1143–1217), the founder of ’Bri gung mthil («drigung til») monastery and the seat of the ’Bri gung bKa’ brgyud («drigung kagyü») tradition.
Most famous among the Western Tibetan bKa'brgyud masters is 'Bri gung 'Jig rten mgon po (1143 - 1217).
(ex Collection von Schroeder 2006-11)
Glue distemper on cotton.
This rare biographical thanka (rNam thar) illustrates the life of an unknown bKa'brgyud master.
The style of this painting resembles some of the murals preserved at Tho ling («tholing») and nearby Tsa pa rang («tsaparang») the ancient capital of the Guge kingdom of Western Tibet (c. 1400–1630). This biographical painting relates perhaps to ’Bri gung sKyob pa ’Jig rten gsum mgon («drigung kyobpa jikten sumgön») (1143–1217), the founder of ’Bri gung mthil («drigung til») monastery and the seat of the ’Bri gung bKa’ brgyud («drigung kagyü») tradition.
Most famous among the Western Tibetan bKa'brgyud masters is 'Bri gung 'Jig rten mgon po (1143 - 1217).
(ex Collection von Schroeder 2006-11)
Bock, Etienne; Falcombello, Jean-Marc; Jenny Magali, 2022. Trésors du Tibet. Sur les pas de Milarépa. Paris: Flammarion. p. 87