Hymn to the 108 names of Arya-Tara
  See it in the Museum
India and Nepal
Orientation 1
Wall object 5

ABM 015

 Code: ABM 015

  Country: Nepal

  Style: Three Malla Kingdoms

  Date: 1700 - 1800

  Dimensions in cm WxHxD: 26.5 x 14

  Materials: Black paper

Hymn to the 108 names of Aya-Tara with 28 painted miniatures depicting various forms of Tara
The recitation of Tara’s names is an ancient practice intended for ordinary lay worshipper. Especially among the merchants her cult was very popular in India from the 6th century on. A dharani is a mystical verse, a conglomeration of syllables used as prayer in particular in Buddhism. Nepalese manuscripts usually contain only very few painted miniatures. The numerous illustrations make this hand written manuscript additionally interesting. 
(Formerly von Schroeder Coll. 2003-09)

Bansal, B. L. , 1994. Bon - Its encounter with Buddhism in Tibet. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers. References to the Bon po iconography

Béguin, Gilles, 1995. Musée national des Arts Asiatiques - Guimet, peinture du bouddhisme tibétain. Paris: Editions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux. P. 311, no. 219 (colour plate on p. 35): 8 Anacura Nagas

Cech, Krystyna, 1992. "A Religious Geography of Tibet according to the Bon tradition", IATS 1989. IATS. pp. 387-391, 1 map. - References to the Bon po iconography

Cornu, Philippe , 2001. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique du Bouddhisme. Seuil. Pp. 697-699

Kvaerne, Per, 1985. Tibet Bon Religion: A death Ritual of the Tibetan Bonpos. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Kvaerne, Per, 1988. A New Chronological Table of the Bon Religion. The bstan-rcis of Hor-bcun bsTan-'jin-blo-gros (1888-1975)", Tibetan studies, Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Munich 1985, edited by H. 1988 - Uebach and J. L. Panglung. München: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenchaften. Pp. 241-244

Kvaerne, Per, 1995. The Bon Religion of Tibet: The Iconography of a Living Tradition. London: Serindia Publications. References to the Bon po iconography

Kvaerne, Per, 1995. "The Bon Religion of Tibet: A Survey of Research", The Buddhist Forum, Vol. III: 1991-1993, edited by T. Skorupski and U. Pagel. London: SOAS; New Delhi: Heritage Publ. Pp. 131-141 - References to the Bon po iconography

Kvaerne, Per, 1996. "Invocations of Two Bön Deities", Religions of Tibet in Practice, edited by D. S. Lopez, Jr. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. Pp. 395-400 - References to the Bon po iconography

Namkhai Norbu, Drung, 1967. Deu and Bon. Dharamsala: LTWA / London: University Press.

Samten Karmay, 1972. Treasury of Good Sayings. A Tibetan History of Bon. London: London Oriental Series.

Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, 1999. Les Sphères du coeur, traduit et commenté par Lopön Tenzin Namdak. Paris: Les deux Océans.

Tenzin Wangyal, 2000. Les prodiges de l'esprit naturel. Paris: Ed. du Seuil, coll "Points Sagesse" (Sa 151.